Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Freedom of the Press

My quote today comes from one of our Founding Fathers; George Mason. A Virginian he helped write the Virginia Declaration of Rights; he was also one of the leaders of the anti-federalist and much of the Bill of Rights is based on his writings in the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

"The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments."

It seems like today that everyone hates the press, Democrats hate talk radio because no one with their opinions can seem to last on radio so they suggest the fairness doctrine to force stations to give equal time to opposing views. Republicans hate the print press because they're all liberal rags and the big TV stations are biased too so they support TV stations like FOX. So while people are saying how much they hate the press remember that they're a bulwark of Liberty and they need to be protected.

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