Monday, September 29, 2008

Exploration of Self

My quote today is from T.S. Elliot, a poet during the early 1900's Elliot's best known poems include The Waste Land, The Hollow Man, and Ash Wednesday.

"We must never cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time."

I think one of the biggest failings of evangelicals today is their fear of philosophers and a refusal to study them. Evaluating our beliefs and gleaning truth and wisdom from philosopher does not, as is commonly believed by most evangelicals, weaken our beliefs but strengthen them. By questioning our beliefs and searching for the truth we arrive back at our foundational beliefs and know what we truly believe for the first time.


Hope said...

Why not just study the Christian philosophers?

Philip said...

"All truth is God's truth wherever it may be found." ~Arthur Holmes.

This is why I am a philosopher.

Daniel Silver said...

Just to be clear I'm not saying we search for truth outside of God but are you saying that God only gives us truth in the Bible? That if a philosopher is secular then everything he says is a lie?

And do you disagree with my main premise that evangelicals today are afraid to study secular philosophers?