Monday, October 27, 2008

Power and Corruption

Today's quote comes for a very promising up and coming author Peter Fendrich from his book Seven Years.

"Power doesn't corrupt, it only shows what was already there..."

Too often the leaders we elect to represent in various government branches prove to be corrupt and immoral. But as this quote says power did not corrupt them they were already carrying around that corruption. Also too often we don't look closely at the leaders we're voting for to see what's there, a lot of people only look closely enough to see if there's an (R) or a (D) next to their name. Some look at the candidates website to see if they're pro-life or for national security but don't look into their character.

In this next election let's take this last week and consider the character of both of the choices. Are either of the the two major candidates truly fit for office? Or is the corruptness already there?

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